Our Brands continued…

MI Outdoors:  For those who hunt, fish, play with arrows, and generally anything that includes some form of cammo coloring.  This brand includes cammo gear, specialty logos, and fun stuff for those who like to experience the Michigan outdoors and its Hunting and Fishing lifestyle.

Micheegan:  You will not find this word in the english dictionary, but like other iconic Michigan words like Ope, Ya right, or pop, this one describes the overall Michigan lifestyle of living in the outdoors.  Hikers, Kyakers, and all those who constantly move around this great state to enjoy all of it, this one is for you.

What is 4Ever Michigan and what does it mean?

4Ever Michigan is a bit of a play on words.  For those who have lived and or been  born  in Michigan, it means that you will 4Ever be a Michigander no matter where you go or what you do.  4 others, its a reminder that Michigan touches 4 of the 5 surrounding great lakes….betcha did not know that.  We Michiganders claim all the great lakes as ours, but really we only connect with  4, which coincides with the word play 4Ever Michigan.

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